I still have no idea what actually I have been doing all these while with my final year project.
Very different with CommFest2012, we knew our part of doing, we work together, we work like an event, we enjoy,
we had fun and satisfaction of doing it. I don't have the feeling of doing an event in Codered2013.
I really really miss CommFest 2012.
However, there are still some of the interesting updates before the event day. :)
This is the day for getting more nervous and excited yet relax. I just don't know how to express my feeling to this.
Besides the rehearsal, today is also the day to get our Codered2013's uniform and group photo shooting.
We were asked to standby at 12pm in the campus without any more info.
None of us know what's going on when we first reached campus. So we had our lunch together at the food court and wait for calling.
We were really upset and some of us were so pissed off till we got the message telling that we are going to start our rehearsal after 3pm
because of some reasons. Yes, 3 hours free time for doing nothing haha :(
Our launch gambit team members! The polices and the 2 thief which is Bryan and Jshawn!
Week before the event, as when us the launch gambit team doing our rehearsal,
the rest of the people were taking part on getting done with the event flyers that we're going to distribute.
We are allow to distribute 300 flyers today, the rest were left for other.
Guess where's the location for all these yellow flyers will goes to today? - On the cars mirror! :D
Yes it is! So we split into 2 parking lots, which is the basement car park and zone H car park (The Cow Farm)
I was the lucky girl to get into the team of Zone H car park which is everyone that don't wish to!
Even guys are afraid to. Haha under the hot sun! But I don't mind, I still think it's fun!
Myself, Sandra and Shaun a snap shoot while the Taylor's guard chasing us away for giving out flyers at the car park zone.
Wonder why they don't allow us to do this, it's our own Taylor's years activity!
At the end, they gave us the permission for doing this after Jay explain it to them.
Zone H team members! Shaun, Sandra, Augustine, Elissa, Donson and Jay!
Spot the yellow flyers on every cars!
Picture of myself during break time. Hehe!
Group discussions we had in our class.
So it came to the last presentation to FOC dean Ms. Josephine before well preparing for our event Codered2013.
The launch gambiters! The vests for the event are all arrived.
The new media representative, Hanns with myself and Michelle in our vests on flyers distributing in the campus.
Group picture of us before ending up the meeting with the fire fighter's representatives! Look really good and happy!
Too bad Ms. Sheila and Mr. Hardip not in this picture with us, they were the ones who holding the camera for this perfect shoot. Thankyou! :)
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